10th August, 9.00 – 1.00. Clyde River
Australian mangroves face challenges. Learn how to monitor their health and contribute to citizen science locally.
The day will involve seeing and trying mangrovewatch methods in our push to record the condition of south
coast mangroves through a citizen science lens. Are you an inspiring beginner or an advanced citizen
scientist? Either way, come along to our training day in Batemans Bay where experts from OceanWatch and Earthwatch/
Mangrovewatch will guide you through mangrove monitoring.
Hear about what academics and citizens are doing to protect the health of our estuaries and how you can help.
Post bushfire and floods, local patches are stressed, we will visit them via oyster barge to get practical hands on
experience in how to monitor their recovery and assess their needs.
Please bring gumboots or shoes that can get wet, sun protection (long sleeve) that can get muddy and water.
(In the event of inclement weather a smaller inside activity will occur).
Lunch supplied ( dietary requirements logged in the RSVP).
Event organised by OceanWatch Australia