Fungi Feastival – Walks, Photography and Feature Film

From 21 June- 22 July, Fungi Feastival is hosting an exciting range of events from Batemans Bay to Bega. Held annually, the Feastival includes many events highlighting Australia’s amazing native fungi. And many ofther fun activities as well!

Stephen Axford and Catherine Marciniak. Photo Stephen Axford

Stephen is an internationally recognised fungi photographer, Catherine is a renowned cinematographer and myco media specialist. Their work is featured in National Geographic films and books and on the BBC’s Planet Earth2. In this workshop they will teach you how to get the best photograph of a mushroom with the camera you have in your bag, whether that is the top-of-the-line digital camera or your mobile phone.

‘Follow the Rain’, a new feature-length documentary from Stephen Axford and Catherine Marciniak will be screened at Batemans Bay Moruya, Narooma, Bermagui, Merinbula and locations. In one of the wettest years Australia has ever seen, Stephen and Catherine follow in the path of the rain. They search out the weird and wonderful fungi that emerge and discover why fungi are critical to life as we know it. Stephen and Catherine will be speaking, and answer questions – don’t miss the opportunity.

Stephen and Catherine will also lead afungi foray in Mimosa Rocks National Park.

Photo Dr Sapphire McMullan-Fisher

Dr Sapphire McMullan-Fisher is an ecologist who has special interest in the conservation of biodiversity, particularly macrofungi and mosses in an Australian context. Sapphire has worked with many community groups to help them understand the importance of fungi in maintaining healthy bushlands and raise the profile of local fungi. Events in Batemans Bay, Cobargo and the Bega Valley.




